Our Technology Consulting Services

Technology Consulting Services

Isologic Solutions are tightly derived from Knowledge Management driven technologies. To quickly create a solution, we use Knowledge Management understanding and processes, total web application development framework, and a rapid development process that is an aggressive, iterative methodology derived from several highly successful, modern development techniques. Created specifically to meet the challenge of developing high-quality solutions under severe time constraints, we give our customers a distinct time-to-market advantage.

Our Technology Consulting Services are focused towards two facets:

  • Strategic and Technology Solutions
  • Enterprise Business Integration Solutions

Strategic And Technology Solutions

Internet, Intranet and Extranet Strategy Consulting
In offering this service, Isologic Solution works with clients in formulating an Internet, Intranet and Extranet strategy for their online initiatives. This involves understanding the client’s business domains, the key drivers in the industry, competition etc and then developing a strategic road map for the customer in deploying Internet technologies across the organization. The scope of the Company’s consulting activity includes developing in detail both the site as well as channel strategy for clients.

Technology Consulting and Research
Typically, Isologic Solution’s largest client relationships have begun with a technology consulting exercise. This entails Isologic Solution’s solution architects drawing up an entire technology and strategy roadmap for complex business solution implementations. The deliverable is a blueprint that compares and contrasts various technology architectures, tools and options, budgets and time to market options available mapped to the business requirements of our clients.

Enterprise Business Integration Solution

Web Enabling and Solution Implementation
In the Knowledge economy business applications are crucial elements. The ability to create business applications represents significant technological and functional capabilities. Isologic Solution has undertaken large and complex projects for integrating and web enabling offline businesses for large corporate organizations. The Isologic total business solutions include a wide array of offerings targeted at high traffic content and business portals. The service offerings can be categorized as:

  • Internal enterprise information systems like Finance and Accounting, Knowledge Management, and HR etc.
  • Design and development of web based applications.
  • Enterprise Portals (Intranets, Extranets, Communication Systems, Knowledge management, content management, CRM, ERP and web application integration).
  • Partner and Supplier Extranets.
  • Package Implementation and Expert services.
  • E-Commerce implementations.
  • Maintenance and Support services.

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